Wednesday 19 March 2014

Gender Construct

The one social idea that never fails to make me feel physically ill is the concept of 'Gender Construct', primarily because it is the root cause of a number of other problems the society currently faces. Gender Construct, is basically the construction of roles for both genders by the society and the truth that these roles are what is generally considered ideal or appropriate behavior for a person of that specific gender. 

The gravity of such ideas that are constantly sprouting in our current 'developing' times is growing stronger by the day. It limits not only us, as individuals; our choices, beliefs, actions.. But our environment as a whole. Being a part of the world around us, these beliefs about a particular style of living and the ideas of 'wrong and right' further thrust us down the huge dark pit of ignorance, making us mere submissive of a culture as vulnerable as the hearts in our chests.

See a father traveling with his new born in a public transport, instantly you place the male figure into the 'amicable' group in your head. Why? As if to take care of the child is a favor? Further, looking at the baby. Hey, it wears all blue, definitely a boy. A closer look, and you see sparkling studs on the ears. Interesting, a girl after all.
It is important to realize that Gender Construct is not just limited to our interpretations and expectations of a person's appearance. A woman must be graceful, soft spoken. A man needs to be loud. How can he even think of crying? Breaking down? Since when are futile emotions like regret and fear a part of a man's life? 
The question I ask is simple: Why not?

It is because of these limitations that we create in our head that problems like rape, homophobia have come up so strong in recent times. 'She wears so little, she invites it'. Does she? In current times when we boast of freedom and expressive living, such mentalities are nothing but an annoying hurdle. How is it that we believe we have the right to limit a person's choices, to have the audacity to tell them what to do when it concerns no one but themselves? 

Who are we to say a woman stays at home and 'makes a sandwich' while the man gets her the bread for it? Who are we to make someone feel uncomfortable about who they choose to fall in love with or the kind of job they opt for? To combat this problem, we need to look at ourselves before we start to point at others. It's as simple as that. This isn't a traffic jam you're trying to avoid, or the killing of cats you feel strongly against. It's us. We are the problem. I can't continue to rant about education and free spirited acceptance, but does that really help? It's the belief that needs to be changed, only then do we have any hope with the believer.

Posted By: Hiba Beg, brand ambassador "MY VOTE FOR a BETTER INDIA" social initiative by "".

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