Friday 5 September 2014


I may study in some big-shot school, get accepted in a prestigious college but the earliest and most definitely the most important lessons of my life were taught by my parents

From learning how to walk to the correct manner to talk, being polite and even eating right! Parents can be our true mentors or what we call ‘gurus’. But they can only teach us this much, the true lessons we learn are all thanks to life!

My school teachers may refine me as a student, maybe teach me some algebra or science but being a good person, someone who helps others in need, cannot be taught. It can only be engraved in one’s being all through their childhood, so having an awesome set of parents is mandatory. They may not be able to give me an ipad or some expensive jewelry, but what they can give me is pretty priceless. 

They made me the person I am today! Having this big group of friends to some pretty helpful colleagues, their values have helped me excel in life. I may not be some big business tycoon swimming in a pool of money but I am a content soul with happiness in my life. They taught me to be ambitious but also to be humble, to want to reach the sky but keep my feet on the ground, to do stuff that changes the world but doesn’t change me! 

Of course my school teachers and college professors are to be blamed if I get success in life but the real success for me is being happy in what I do and that was taught by my parents! 

One day I might become rich and famous, that is all my teachers’ hard work, but if I can maintain that fame and still have my head held high, that is all my parents! 

Parents can play such a pivotal role in ones lives that cannot be replaced by anything or anyone. What you learn from them, your school or tuition teachers cannot teach! They may not know the scientific knowledge needed for me to score in my boards but they have the faith that encourages me to score well, they have the patience to see me fail and still encourage me to stand up. They have the will power to see me make mistakes but let me make my own path and still wish for me to do well. They are your undying support, your best friends, your mentors and your ultimate cheering squad!

They console you in your worst, cheer for you in testing times, stand by you when no one does, make you laugh when you’re about to cry….They are never jealous of your success or judge you for your mistakes, they just love you unconditionally! 

A teacher is not only a person who makes you grow academically but also emotionally, you may not know her story but she knows yours! She knows all your strengths and helps you strengthen those weaknesses, she stands by your side when you’re at your worst and still manages to scare you to death so you work hard yet gentle enough so you can confide in her! 

And that role is what a parent plays, may it be your mother or your ever doting father. You don’t need to be perfect but just be yourself and that is all they require, to know the real you! So this teacher’s day, thank your wonderful parents who take out time from their busy lives to make you a better person, who love you without reason, who scare you so you work hard and scold you, so you do better! They may not say it but they gave up a lot to make you what you are today, so acknowledge that fact and thank them for their undying support to make your life better. Make a card or bring some flowers, buy some chocolates, your mom’s favorite perfume or cook your dad some dinner, make them feel that they are special and you are thankful that they are a part of your life.

 So go ahead and make up for all the fights you had or the times when you were ungrateful, tell them they mean the world to you and maybe if you’re lucky, someday someone would consider you their idol!

SANYA SINGH, GURUJEE, Competition Intern - See more at:


  1. sanna babe! this is amazing.. one of your best pc till date..! kaha kr rhi hai tu.. you should be in bjmc !! :*

  2. Hi Sanya,your dad shared this blog.I am Suresh T S,your dad's friend.Wonderful words...I showed your blog to my son(3rd std) and daughter (7th std). They loved it. Keep it up. God bless.

  3. Greetings Sanya!!!
    Appreciate your deep rooted down to earth thoughts. In-deed parents are our first mentor to life.

    H J Jani
    (Shri H.K.Saini is my professional Guru)

  4. Excellent thought and well written. Keep it going. God bless.

  5. Hello Sanya,
    excellent article. Very thoughtful and well written.
    Keep it up!!
    As much credit goes to you for inculcating the values your parents have given.
    God bless you.

    ps: you wouldn't remember me but your dad can tell you all about it.
